I'm going out to a couple of parties and Rocky Horror Picture Show dressed as Medusa. More later!
a river of candy corn runs through it
Happy Halloween!
I'm going out to a couple of parties and Rocky Horror Picture Show dressed as Medusa. More later!
I'm going out to a couple of parties and Rocky Horror Picture Show dressed as Medusa. More later!
the pill
So yesterday I watched Stranger Than Fiction because Sarah was talking about it and it made me want to again. It was everything I remembered, and it made me happy.

Then Anabela at Field Guided wrote a post about Toast, which also made me want to look more into it again. I loved how some of the photos reminded me of my time in Italy, which was my favourite time in the world. Here is a ridiculously long collection of some of my favourite photos:

And here are some items I am coveting:

I've got a lot going on right now, and I wish I had some more down time and time to be creative. Jennie stayed with me for the weekend though, and we had an amazing time. We ate a lot of focaccia bread, watched a lot of Arrested Development, and made a Halloween themed gingerbread house (which is much more difficult than it looks.)
This is the one side left standing, with a sugar ghost and pumpkin fudge made to look like hay bails, and gum balls pumpkins stacked on top.
Here's the worst part. It was standing for a while, with candy corn lining the roof, but it slowly slid and collapsed.
And that is supposed to read "RIP" in jelly beans. I would really love to know how to make a quality gingerbread house someday.
Here are the new shoes I was talking about. My scarf is in the way, but you get the gist of it. I'm in love!
On Saturday I went on a tour of U of T, and I love it more than ever. It is this virtual oasis inside the bustling Toronto, and it has these hidden pocket courtyards surrounded by old stone, vine covered buildings from the 1800's.
I have determined that Lula is essentially the most amazing magazing of all time. Hailing from the UK, it comes out only twice a year, but its sheer beauty makes my heart full! Here's the description they give of themselves:

"LULA is created for the real girls of the world who love fashion, music, art, & make believe. LULA is gentle, whimsical and ethereal in tone,mixing high fashion to fall in love with and interviews that feel likelate night chats with people you wish you knew. International stylists, photographers, musicians, artists, illustrators and journalists work towards creating a gorgeous magazine that is not only a forum for beautiful work and fresh ideas, but that reads like the honest, funny,and aspirational best friend you dream of."
Essentially, it is the magazine of my dreams. The latest issue, issue 6, is the best as of yet, but as it is still on stands, photos are not available on the website. Here are some other photos I love:
I am just ITCHING to get a job so that I can go shopping again. I have realized how few whites or near whites I own, and that is definitely something that must be corrected, because they are just so crystal clear beautiful. Here are some white and pastel looks I love right now:
I'm just feeling like being cutesy, pretty and cozy, maybe not so bold.
Unfortunately, it would seem I've built my wardrobe in a bold manner.
bad habits
What a rip roarin but thoroughly enjoyable weekend! Friday night we went to Trepid House and saw Forest City Lovers, Fall Horsie, and Stacy Lloyd Brown, who were all absolutely spectacular. Ridiculous amounts of people were there including Sarah, Emma, Michel, Clayton, Ian, Callum, Emerson, Josh, Lee, Riley, Jasmine, Chris, Mellissa, Grace, Jennie, Jonah, Leyla, Martin, Kat, Christina, Lina, Anthony, and more. I don't go out as often as I used to, so I decided I would play dress up, so I threw on my pink sparkly prom dress over an Elton John concert t-shirt and brown knit tights with a triple layered pearl necklace and the floral crown I got at the Royal Medieval Faire on Emma's birthday. I received many compliments, but it mostly felt good to feel little and pretty again. It was Oktoberfest, and Emma, Martin and I bused downtown to go back to our respective houses (I went home with Emma). There were loud, drunk punks singing "We hate Oktoberfest hats!" and Martin decided to join in, and hoards of people climbed on the bus in lederhosen. We went to Pizza Pizza at 2 am for munchies, and there were loads of crazies and a girl in the tiniest ledherson I had ever seen. Splendid! Emma and I went back to her place, and I fell asleep while Emma was making quips about a Madonna video from the 90's.
The next morning, Emma and I woke up and bused to Booster Juice and the store on University Avenue simply titled, "HALLOWEEN." Neither of us had showered, and I had slept in my clothes, so we very much had the morning after look, and I was still wearing a sequined pink dress - obviously slept in, and strap broken. We got limited time pomegranate Booster Juice, which was absolutely delicious, and then checked out the store which was packed chock full of everything Halloween, like a warehouse. I then went out to Len's Mills and picked up a few yards of fabric for my Medusa costume, as well as a gold snake arm cuff. I also picked up these adorable black, pointy toed shoes from the new and improved Bay, with a big bow on the front of each. I immediately drove up to New Hamburg to visit Kylie and see her new house, which is right beside this lot of trees which are up on a steep hill overlooking a stream and a seemingly endless corn field. The sun was setting, and the brook was twinkling, the leaves were fall colours, and it was absolutely stunning.
Then today I woke up exhausted, missed meeting my friend Bemnet for Starbucks, and ended up organizing for the majority of the day. We'll see what the week ahead holds! I cannot wait. I will post a picture of my new shoes soon. Onto watching Dirty Sexy Money!
The next morning, Emma and I woke up and bused to Booster Juice and the store on University Avenue simply titled, "HALLOWEEN." Neither of us had showered, and I had slept in my clothes, so we very much had the morning after look, and I was still wearing a sequined pink dress - obviously slept in, and strap broken. We got limited time pomegranate Booster Juice, which was absolutely delicious, and then checked out the store which was packed chock full of everything Halloween, like a warehouse. I then went out to Len's Mills and picked up a few yards of fabric for my Medusa costume, as well as a gold snake arm cuff. I also picked up these adorable black, pointy toed shoes from the new and improved Bay, with a big bow on the front of each. I immediately drove up to New Hamburg to visit Kylie and see her new house, which is right beside this lot of trees which are up on a steep hill overlooking a stream and a seemingly endless corn field. The sun was setting, and the brook was twinkling, the leaves were fall colours, and it was absolutely stunning.
Then today I woke up exhausted, missed meeting my friend Bemnet for Starbucks, and ended up organizing for the majority of the day. We'll see what the week ahead holds! I cannot wait. I will post a picture of my new shoes soon. Onto watching Dirty Sexy Money!
Today was fine, although I forgot I was getting my picture taken and looked quite the hot mess. I was watching the latest episode of 90210 (guilty pleasure), and I have two hair favourites I am obsessed with.

First, is Naomi, one of the main bitches. I really want to know if I grew my hair if it would look like hers... And how I could do that. Check these out:
Second, is Adrianna, the drugged up bitch. I could not pull of this style, but it is excellent.
Anyways, they're just fierce. I'm going to look into that super large curly hair... it's so much more versatile than my curly bob.
Watching Lipstick Jungle, see you!
Today was amazing. With the temperature cooler, a pair of cozy new tights on my legs, and a light courseload in physics to look forward to for the month of October, it was shaping up to be amazing from the get go. Kylie and I ended up going to Value Village, and we had a great time trying on masks and slutty costumes - I found the perfect one for Rocky Horror, and it only needs minor adjustments. Then we came back to my place and hung out, and when she left I watched the federal elections for a while. I could tell the Conservatives were going to win with a minority, but I didn't want to see it happen because it was too excruciating, so I came upstairs and watched the episode of SNL hosted by Shia LaBeouf, which was hilarious. I can't help it, I am finding him irresistable. His mom lives in a stone house built by one of the little people who were in the Wizard of Oz, his dad was a clown, his accent. When he came home when he was young, he would ask his dad for help with homework, and he would have to tell him to wait a second because he was working on a trick with a chicken. Hilarious, spectacular. Tomorrow, we buy the tickets. Goodnight!
new haven can wait
So this weekend was Thanksgiving, and I am glad it's done, no matter how much I love the decorations and jovial celebrations. After a long weekend, I for one am thankful to be able to relax and be alone after a weekend of my Italian family, reunions with friends from university, more family, cooking, late nights out, and... more family.
On Friday night, we decided to have an Oktoberfest/Thanksgiving party at Evan's because everybody was coming back to Kitchener from their respective universities. It was an amazing time! Jason, Johnny, Ben, Nathan, Daria, Eliza, Kim, Aaron, Connor, Claire, Evan, Bryn and Lindsay were all there. We played classic drinking games such as beer pong and "I've never..." - very classy. It was a beautiful fall evening, but I wore the same thing I wore the last time everyone was in town for Lindsay's birthday! I definitely need to buy more autumn and winter dresses when I have a job. I got home at around 3 am, and I had been up since 6!
Then on Saturday I spent the day with my family, which was nice. I got up early and edited Joanne's scholarship applications because I couldn't sleep, and they were intimidating. My mom and I went shopping (I am now organizing my ridiculously large collection of scarves! Updates later.) On our way out, however, we drove past this guy who looked like Stas - and then it turned out it was, in a surprise visit from Ottawa! I jumped out of the car while it was still moving and pounced on him. I even cried! That evening, my parents and I ordered Pizza Hut, and then we went out to see Eagle Eye, which I loved (see previous posts.)
Sunday saw us eating pumpkin pancakes and heading out to Ikea, which was amazing. They have some really nice prints out right now, and there was a beautiful kitchen set up with butcher block counters, white wood cupboards, and exposed brick walls, and the excursion gave me some ideas for my apartment with Emma, definitely. It will be beautiful! Afterwards we headed to Aunt Lucy's for Thanksgiving Dinner #1 (the D'Alessio Italian celebration), and we got to speak to my cousin David over speaker phone (he's in med school in Argentina.) I got to see Maya, which was nice, because I've gotten so accustomed to having her around, but she (like most university students) went home for Thanksgiving weekend.
Then, Stas texted me to get together, and I found out he had been in William's for three hours already! So I met him, and we drank black coffee and ate maple pumpkin cheesecake for four hours before Emma and Michel joined us, it was really nice to be able to get the quality time with him and hear all about Carleton. It was nice to see them too though, and Kim joined us soon afterwards as we tried to track down Aaron, her boyfriend, who is currently without home. Michel left, and it turned out Aaron had walked from work to James' apartment, so we drove there and picked them up, and piled in the car. There were 6 of us, so Emma sat on top of me, and we drove by the university only to see Ian long boarding home. We decided to swing by his place, and at this point we were mostly giddy on a variety of substances (mine being nicotine and dangerous amounts of caffeine.) I've never been there, but his garage is spectacular, with wine bottles as candle holders, couches, a computer, a complete sound system, posters plastering the walls, a curtained window, a large world map on the back of the garage door, and a three foot hooka in the middle of the coffee table. We smoked some shisha and just generally had an amazing time, and then Kim drove each of us home at around 2. It was an amazing night, and it was amazing to have everybody home for the weekend. I wore my new bright blue tights, my high waisted black hoop skirt over a green cardigan and black wife beater, my tweed kitten heels, and my fall striped scarf with a brown headband, green and gold earrings, a plaid arm cuff from Courage My Love in Kensington Market, gold bangles, and my rose bone wedding ring.
Then this morning I lay in bed until 2 pm (just mussin' around on my laptop), and I got up and got ready (green, patterned, floral skirt from Reitmans, black, high-necked, lace-trimmed blouse tucked in, pearl necklace, and thick, black velvet belt.) I helped my mom prepare Thanksgiving Dinner #2 to the backdrop of the Dropkick Murphies, and it was decadent! We made yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, a 20-pound Butterball turkey, sauteed vegetables with goat cheese, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin fudge, and pumpkin pie (with a ton of whipped cream!) Peter, Zora, Maya, Vince, and Emily came over, and by the end I was sick of eating and feeling gross, and needing alone time, so I disappeared up here (my bedroom) and watched Paris Hilton's My New Bff, which is absolutely hilarious.
All in all, it was a pretty amazing weekend, but I am tired and have accomplished nothing. I hope it cools down this week, because it's been in the high-20's. Tomorrow Maya and I are going shopping at Value Village, and it's the election! I am excited to see how everything turns out. Wednesday, Emma and I will try to get Rocky Horror tickets, so I will definitely have to wrangle up a costume for that. Halloween is going to be amazing. Stay tuned! I miss my friends who have moved away.
On Friday night, we decided to have an Oktoberfest/Thanksgiving party at Evan's because everybody was coming back to Kitchener from their respective universities. It was an amazing time! Jason, Johnny, Ben, Nathan, Daria, Eliza, Kim, Aaron, Connor, Claire, Evan, Bryn and Lindsay were all there. We played classic drinking games such as beer pong and "I've never..." - very classy. It was a beautiful fall evening, but I wore the same thing I wore the last time everyone was in town for Lindsay's birthday! I definitely need to buy more autumn and winter dresses when I have a job. I got home at around 3 am, and I had been up since 6!
Then on Saturday I spent the day with my family, which was nice. I got up early and edited Joanne's scholarship applications because I couldn't sleep, and they were intimidating. My mom and I went shopping (I am now organizing my ridiculously large collection of scarves! Updates later.) On our way out, however, we drove past this guy who looked like Stas - and then it turned out it was, in a surprise visit from Ottawa! I jumped out of the car while it was still moving and pounced on him. I even cried! That evening, my parents and I ordered Pizza Hut, and then we went out to see Eagle Eye, which I loved (see previous posts.)
Sunday saw us eating pumpkin pancakes and heading out to Ikea, which was amazing. They have some really nice prints out right now, and there was a beautiful kitchen set up with butcher block counters, white wood cupboards, and exposed brick walls, and the excursion gave me some ideas for my apartment with Emma, definitely. It will be beautiful! Afterwards we headed to Aunt Lucy's for Thanksgiving Dinner #1 (the D'Alessio Italian celebration), and we got to speak to my cousin David over speaker phone (he's in med school in Argentina.) I got to see Maya, which was nice, because I've gotten so accustomed to having her around, but she (like most university students) went home for Thanksgiving weekend.
Then, Stas texted me to get together, and I found out he had been in William's for three hours already! So I met him, and we drank black coffee and ate maple pumpkin cheesecake for four hours before Emma and Michel joined us, it was really nice to be able to get the quality time with him and hear all about Carleton. It was nice to see them too though, and Kim joined us soon afterwards as we tried to track down Aaron, her boyfriend, who is currently without home. Michel left, and it turned out Aaron had walked from work to James' apartment, so we drove there and picked them up, and piled in the car. There were 6 of us, so Emma sat on top of me, and we drove by the university only to see Ian long boarding home. We decided to swing by his place, and at this point we were mostly giddy on a variety of substances (mine being nicotine and dangerous amounts of caffeine.) I've never been there, but his garage is spectacular, with wine bottles as candle holders, couches, a computer, a complete sound system, posters plastering the walls, a curtained window, a large world map on the back of the garage door, and a three foot hooka in the middle of the coffee table. We smoked some shisha and just generally had an amazing time, and then Kim drove each of us home at around 2. It was an amazing night, and it was amazing to have everybody home for the weekend. I wore my new bright blue tights, my high waisted black hoop skirt over a green cardigan and black wife beater, my tweed kitten heels, and my fall striped scarf with a brown headband, green and gold earrings, a plaid arm cuff from Courage My Love in Kensington Market, gold bangles, and my rose bone wedding ring.
Then this morning I lay in bed until 2 pm (just mussin' around on my laptop), and I got up and got ready (green, patterned, floral skirt from Reitmans, black, high-necked, lace-trimmed blouse tucked in, pearl necklace, and thick, black velvet belt.) I helped my mom prepare Thanksgiving Dinner #2 to the backdrop of the Dropkick Murphies, and it was decadent! We made yams, mashed potatoes, gravy, a 20-pound Butterball turkey, sauteed vegetables with goat cheese, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin fudge, and pumpkin pie (with a ton of whipped cream!) Peter, Zora, Maya, Vince, and Emily came over, and by the end I was sick of eating and feeling gross, and needing alone time, so I disappeared up here (my bedroom) and watched Paris Hilton's My New Bff, which is absolutely hilarious.
All in all, it was a pretty amazing weekend, but I am tired and have accomplished nothing. I hope it cools down this week, because it's been in the high-20's. Tomorrow Maya and I are going shopping at Value Village, and it's the election! I am excited to see how everything turns out. Wednesday, Emma and I will try to get Rocky Horror tickets, so I will definitely have to wrangle up a costume for that. Halloween is going to be amazing. Stay tuned! I miss my friends who have moved away.
I went on a tights shopping spree today and bought ten pairs of tights. I got home, sat on my bed, and ripped open the packaging (one of the best parts of shopping!) and I realized that most of them were Hue tights. Then I realized that most of the tights I've ever gotten were Hue tights, and that I absolutely positively adore them. The website is adorable as well. I say, definitely check it out. 
here comes the flood
I have found some amazing new things at Fred Flare! Here they are:

A Tromp L'Oeil Net "Old Grandma" Cardigan ^
Handmade Hellos ^Tiny Treat Necklaces ^

Woodsy Watering Can ^
Also, I just saw Eagle Eye, and I personally loved it. Shia LaBeouf is spectacular, and I have good faith we will be married one day. Read this interview which came out in the June issue of GQ, it is absolutely breathtaking.

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