Keeper, ever the camera lover.
My step-dad, Serge, feeding Keeper nuts from his stocking.
My mom
Hugging salt and pepper shakers
A bug to hang off the screen door
A beautiful, hand carved/polished box from Ten Thousand Villages
A hand painted and blown egg
Worry-dolls, to take my stress away for a lighter New Year.
Our family portrait, a present for each of us from Serge.
My mom got me a goat for a family in a third world country in my name. I cried (what a sap.)
A belt from The Bay
My uncle, Ernst, in Edmonton always gets me the best literature.
A new waist length pea coat from Old Navy.

An Extreme Ironing Calendar
And last night, during the celebration with the Italians (there are over 30 of us now!), I snagged a gift bag (which was essentially a care package custom fit for me) of the most beautiful blue nylon and acrylic blanket, a large and colourful mug, a set of hot chocolate mixes (in tall glass bottles, with a miniature whisk!), a tree-like candle holder, and a set of six vanilla candles. So cozy!
Now I am cozied up with a good book, a good blanket, good music (The Killers' 'Sawdust,' a collection of remixes and B-sides I got Serge for Christmas), and good company (a snoozing dog). Tonight we feast, and tomorrow I head out with Emma for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and Boxing Day shopping. I hope you are all enjoying your holidays as much as I am, and that you get to spend them in some regard with the people you love! I know I certainly am. It's cheesy, but for all of you I say 'may your days be merry and bright,' whether or not your Christmases are actually white.
1 comment:
it sounds like you had a lovely holiday! hope it continues on through the new year! :)
i've been wanting to see the curious case of benjamin button.
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