It's finally Christmas time. On Thursday, my parents and I went to our traditional Stuart MacLean show, which we do every year. He is absolutely fantastic, and his shows always make me laugh and feel warm and cozy from head to toe. He is an amazing story teller, and he also supports budding musicians from all across Canada, and has them plays at his shows. It was at these shows that I first heard Owen Pallet of Final Fantasy and Danny Michel from my home town of all places. This year it was Dala, these two girls who harmonize with each other stunningly.

Friday was my last day of class, and with it came warnings of heavy snowfalls and snow warnings. They were actually calling it "Snowmageddon," but on Friday morning it was beautiful outside. I brought everyone their presents, and also brought homemade shortbread, gingerbread and rum balls. However, the board soon sent out a warning letting us know that if we should head home if we lived further away. One of my best friends, Jasmine, and I live across the city, so we headed out early. Unfortunately, we got caught in the middle of the worst snow storm I have ever been outside in for hours! When I finally made it to my house through a foot of snow, my hair was so frozen that you could snap it and I couldn't feel my legs. I got into action though, got myself a cup of warm cocoa, ran myself a hot bath, and watched Pleasantville. Jasmine and I met all sorts of people on our adventure home, too, so it wasn't all bad in the end. That night we were snowed in, so I couldn't go to my friend's birthday at a club across the city or my other friend's get together on his return home from Toronto. I ended up spending the night with my mom though, decorating the tree and singing loudly to Christmas carols.
Today the city was covered in snow, the sun was shining bright and the sky was completely blue and clear. I drove out to Belmont Village and did the last of my Christmas shopping, and then spent the rest of the afternoon and evening cooking a fondue feast for my parents, my uncle and his girlfriend. We spent the evening drinking and getting progressively louder and more boisterous, and it ended with a confused game of Clue from 1963 (which I won.) It was an amazing time, the food was delicious, and I'm finally truly feeling the Christmas spirit.

Tomorrow it's supposed to snow as much as Friday, so making my way to Leyla's dinner party will be an adventure! I can't wait though, I have my outfit picked (my new black dress and blue accents), and Emma's going to be my date, in an androgynous manner. I can't wait! Also, Stas is finally back from Ottawa for the holidays, and is coming over for breakfast (eggs, toast, and avacado!) tomorrow morning. Photos and recaps to follow! I hope everybody is enjoying the holiday season with the people they love.
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