
just say yo

Today was astoundingly better! I got positive feedback on my last Writer's Craft piece, and she said she wanted to keep it for future reference.

Then in Art we talked about the collective conscience, which was a really interesting theory, and we looked at typical archetypes throughout history, such as the "goddess" figure, ie: Aphrodite, Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford, Ginger from Gilligan's Island, and Angelina Jolie. Then we used archetypal cards to look at the various archetypes that make up our person. I got: a) The Alchemist: the agent of change (not a change in direction or appearance, but in a profound change of elemental nature), b) The Child - Orphan: the independent, from a very young age. Very aware of past, and take lessons from it, and c) The Prostitute: the archetype which activates the aspects of the unconscious that are related to seduction and control, whereby you are as capable of buying a controlling interest in another person as you are in selling your own power. Prostitution should also be understood as the selling of your talents, ideas, and any other expression of the self.

Anyways, so I enjoyed that thoroughly, and it was interesting to think about the cards I received and how they could possibly relate to me, and overall I just found myself feeling much more positive and self assured.

I also got lunch off today, so I bought my pitas and five cheese dip like last year, and Red Apple Arizona Iced Tea, which is my favourite thing in the world. Then, I proceeded to my driving lesson where I successfully parallel parked, and am three lessons away from being complete.

Finally, this evening I went to see Serge LeClerk speak at the University about his life in crime, and how he earned a degree and discovered learning. It was fascinating to hear him talk about what he did, and how intelligent he was to organize complex crime syndicates when he was young. He was also an observer of people by nature, and combined with his degree in sociology, he shared what he knew, learned, and observed about people with us, which was incredible.

A beautiful day! And clear blue skies. Now I'm just watching some Fresh Prince. Here are some photos of the day:

Christina ^

Ali ^

Sarah ^

Jasmine ^

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