The name is cheeky, and I really need make up remover.

This dandelion blush is really pretty. Plus I need new blush. Plus it gives instant radiance, which is important because no matter how much time I spend outside, being outdoorsy, I still look like a chalk-white computer nerd.

This is advertised as industrial-strength concealer. Hallelujah.

Apparently this eye cream actually fades dark circles... A concept which astounds me.

This ooh la life is "like a girdle for your eyes!" which could only help with my circles...

hello my lovely,
i saw this post and felt i had to leave you a little note since benefit cosmetics are my calling.
it was my birthday a few weeks ago and all i asked for from my parents was benefit make up, anyway i thought i'd let you know some of the things i got and see if it helps at all (depending on what youre looking for, of course) with your benefit shopping :)
- eye con is brilliant, not greasy and its great to have in your make up bag in case of dry patches anywhere else.
- boi-ing is also brilliant, but check with the angels in store because erase paste is also good and might work better if you want something strong.
- coralista is my blusher, and their latest one. i hate really pink blushers but this one is to die for and really brightens your face, again - check it out :)
- finally their cream eyeshaddows are amazing and if you're worried about dark circles (like i am) then ask them to find one which counters out the dark circles, depending on your eye colour (lilac works for my green eyes).
i'm sorry if that came out pretentious or anything but i love this stuff :) seriously, talk to people in store and milk them for as many makeovers as you can :)
lots of love jellybean x
ah!!! you are brilliant and have made my life 5000 times better, you better believe it. i will take those to heart, and to the store! and i will milk those employees for all they're worth... i need to stock up on excellent makeup anyways because of semi-formal/prom coming up. thank you oodles! you're the best. :)
benefit is god.
tell them that you have an event coming up, i told them i was going out for the evening and they almost had a fit! they love to help out with important makeup-eventy things :)
yes my lovely, benefit is EVERYTHING.
p.s keep up the good work blogging, i love it!
Oh my, I will certainly do that! Thank you so much. :D
And thanks for the blog love!!!
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