Big news... I got an online fashion internship at College Fashion! I write a weekly "Would You Wear...?" column, and I adore it. The responses have been overwhelming, too - people are actually interested to see what I have to say, and share their opinions too! Check out my articles here.

I'm also a reviewer for my campus paper, the 200 year old Varsity, so writing those articles keep me busy. I get amazing opportunities to watch and review films before they're released publicly, and to get involved with things like the Toronto International Film Festival. I also get the chance to see public figures when they come to these premieres, like Tucker Max (asshole... obviously) and Korean popstar Rain (delightfully unaware). Check out my articles for that here and here.

I also... duhn duhn duhn... have a new boyfriend! I met him over New Years in Montreal in a club. I essentially fell on him, and he asked me to dance. His name is Max and he is lovely and he loves zombie movies and the cold and baseball and hates socks! And I'm very, very happy.

Speaking of which, Montreal was incredible. We went to Karina's for New Years and danced the night away. It was the most beautiful club in the world. For four days, we ate, drank and were merry. The sky snowed big, fat flakes, and Christmas lights twinkled everywhere - it was so beautiful. And the people were so friendly. We made so many friends. Our only negative experience was being kicked out of a strip club, which wasn't quite as exciting as it sounds - we simply weren't spending enough money.

Besides that, notable things that have happened: Avatar blew my mind, I cut all of my hair off and died it brown, Sarah is making me the most gorgeous dress for Fireball (which I'll discuss later), I love breakfast, I have author David Gilmour as a professor, I have installed a bar in my dormroom, I am finally skyping, Mark, Liam, and Kat's band, Klaus and the Voormans, is incredible and they are getting the success they deserve.

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